Monday, January 15, 2007

Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks

Speaking of Civil Rights: how about having students learn about Rosa Parks? There is an excellent video issued by "Teaching Tolerance" called Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks. It shows the true history of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. For instance, it is often taught that Rosa Parks was tired one day coming home from work and decided on the spur of the moment to sit down in the white section of the bus. Because she was arrested for breaking the law, blacks spontaneously protested her unfair treatment by refusing to take the city buses. The true history is that this was not the first time that Mrs. Parks deliberately broke the law regarding bus segregation. Also, she was not some random person who decided to challenge the system. She was very active in the civil rights movement. For years civil rights leaders were looking for the ideal case to challenge segregation. Mrs. Parks was the perfect person for this cause - she was strong willed and idealistic. They knew she could handle herself when death threats came her way.

Best of all: the video is FREE to schools and teachers!

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